fuzzy dwarf vs. arrow crab


i just got a fuzzy dwarf lion fish, hes about an inch big. i was wondering if he would eat an arrow crab. right now i have the fuzzy in a 29 gallon tank, but plan on moving him by christmas when my 55 is through its cycle. thanks fellas/ladies.


Active Member
I don't know what other peoples experience might have been, but I have a 10" PV lion fish and an Arrow crab that will "stretch" to about the same and they have been living peacefully for a long time.


its a risk but lions usually like to eat foods whole and with the legs on arrow crabs they judge it bigger than them and dont go after. but it could still go after him as a food source so just know that the danger is there and if the lion gets him its just their nature.
if you plan on getting anything like a trigger, wrasse, or puffer then it will deffinately be dinner!!