Fuzzy in a 45g tall?


I want a lion bad but I know I cant have one in my 55 reef. Do you think I could put a fuzzy Lion in a 45 tall? I ask because I already have everything for this tank other than the live rock.
If I can put a Fuzzy Lion in the 45 what tank mate could I put in so he wouldn't be all alone? Any small eels?


Active Member
Oh yes, you have a nice size tank for a fuzzy. Mine is in a 25 gal, they are pretty lax fish and perch all day long. Make sure you don't put anything that can fit into its mouth.
Ex: bicolor blenny.....
My fault and ignorance.
I do have two larger ocellaris clowns with mine and they are just fine. I know though that some of the clowns are very tiny and would be dinner.
Also shrimp, they will eat those too. Crabs and snails seem fine.
I don't know anything about eels, sorry cannot help you there.
But you will get alot of adivce from folks here, watch the replies.


Active Member
A fuzzy would be fine in a 45. I would not do any eels though. You could try a pair of nice sized clowns, maybe a few cardinals, a hawkfish, or even a nice sized fairy wrasse. Just don't get anything too small that could fit in your lion's mouth.


You could look at the Redtail Filefish (Pervagor Melanocephalus) & Green / Bristle Tail Filefish (Acreichthys Tomentosus), these would go in your tank with the lion. They stay towards the top & even sleep at the top. They are cousins to the trigger yet stay smaller than the trigger.


Awesome! I'll just have to finish building the canopy for it then and I should be in good shape.
V-Lioness, I'll have to look those up because I am not famaliar with them but thanks for the recomendations.