Fuzzy white spot


I have a purple fairy wrasse and I have notices that there a small spot on the dorsal fin, another on the anal fin, and one on his left eyeball that looks fuzzy white. THese spots are really small.
He is a relative new addition to the tank. About a week. The first few day he did the typical shyness and hid in the rocks. Now he is swimming around with the rest of the fishies. He shows no strange behavior and eating normally. All the other fish are fine.
Any suggestions as to what this is?


Staff member
Can you post a pic of the problem? More details about the spot and any other symptoms are needed. How big is the spot? Is it pretty much round or irregular shape? Etc.


I will try to post a picture, but I hink that since its small it will be dificult to see.
The fish's behavior seems normal. Its not affecting him.
My first thought was ick, so I lowered salinity and raised the tank temperature. It hasn't gone away nor has it spread.
The white spots are irregular shapes.


Maybe my current treatment is working becuase this mornig the only spot left was on his dorsal fin. THe eye has cleared up as well as the anal fin.


The white spot on the dorsal fin within the red circle is what I am referring to. I apologoze for the poor quality. The white spot doesn't sho up very well when usuing the flash and he doesn't like me getting close to him with the camera.


Hey BeachBum,
Did you get any new info on your problem? I'm having what I think is the same issue with my percula and pseudo.
Each fish has about 5 spots, only on the fins, that are about the size of a salt grain - but irregularly shaped, fuzzy, and white.
It doesn't seem to be affecting them in any way, but I suspect that it may be a fungus.
On second thought, maybe the fish aren't looking so good.....pseudo is not as active, and percula seems to have labored breathing.