FW: Cichlid Question


Active Member
I'm converting my 75G back to Fresh because I can't afford to keep up the tank, so I need to know how many fish I can keep in it. I have an AquaClear UGF w/ 4 Hagen 402s and two HOT Magnums. So I was wondering how many African Auratus I can keep in the tank. I know African's may seem a little dull to all of you out there with rare, expensive SW fish, but I'm only 15 and this is all I can afford.:( So if you have an idea as to how many I can keep, let me know.


not sure what u mean by african auratus, but i like to keep my malawi cichlid tank pretty heavily stocked. it seems to help control the agression when they cant remember who they were chasing.
Take a look at how big the fish will grow and apply the 1" to 1 gallon rule. I have 3 cichlids right now, an Oscar, a convict, and a little purple one I can't identify. HTH