FW cichlids

gill again

I was wondering about a lake maliwie (did I spell that right?)
cichlid the venustus cichlid: how hard is it to keep?, what size tank should it be in?, does it need extra filtration?, what size does it get to?, does it need a protean skimmer? thanks and sorryfor so many Q's.


u might want to reconsider bcuz they need to be kept in big tank. in a 55 u could probly only keep 3 and no other fish u might wan to try an African Cichlid. They are somewhat similiar but have limited tank mates and are smaller. If u went with a 55 u could probably keep 3 or four but make sure u have many females to a male and not just pairs. If you go with the Giraffe Hap just be warned that they get BIG and need lots of room. When u get it pretty much all other tank mates are off limits. u cannot get more than one male even in a larger tank.they are not hard to keep and u need a good filter but not a monstrous thing. nope no protien skimmer. u might want to add a little air pump with a bubble stone because they aerate very well. i would advise u to keep a different fish but if u want this then u could keep it but remember
one male to a tank
3 or 4 for every 50 gallons


also are you going to put any catfish in? if u are i would recommend like 3 pictus cats and maybe a small pleco. Pictus's are good because they can get to like 7" and that would be close enough to yur Hap to not get eaten. but also remember that u can't go any smaller than this bcuz a pictus will eat anything smaller than it as will a giraffe Hap