FW Dip


Active Member
is it ok to do a FW dip on Zoo's before you put them into your tank for the first time? or will this stress them too much from the car ride home and the dip?
thanks in advance guys!


Active Member
I usually stay away from freshwater dips for corals. A light iodine dip/bath in saltwater will work just the same and is, IMO, less stressfull on the coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I usually stay away from freshwater dips for corals. A light iodine dip/bath in saltwater will work just the same and is, IMO, less stressfull on the coral.
ok thanks for the info...
i dont mean to be a pest but can you explain how an iodine dip works.
i belive that a freshwater dip you just use some RO/DI water the same temp as your tank and leave it in the fresh water for 5-6 mins. is this correct?
thanks and i really dont mean to pester anyone.


it's the same as that but use saltwater and use Benzodine (iodine) in the saltwater....add iodine until the water is a dark tea color and leave the coral in for 5-10 minutes....


dont mean to hijack your thread but just want to continue it further into the iodine drip part.
Where can you get Iodine? Is it easy to find localy?
Is there any percise measurments, rather than gussing a color? I would just be worried about possibly over dosing and causing coral damage. Anyone else soak your corals for a different period of time?
Is there any corals that should not have an iodine dip due to harming the coral?
And the final question!!!
How effective is this method? I am recieving around 12 different corals from several different reefers. Is this something I really should do or is it not that big of an issue?
Sorry for the hijack again...


Active Member
I use Lugol's iodine by Kent, which your LFS probably carries.
A few of my buddies use Povidone from Walgreens or Longs. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than Lugols, so I'll be trying that next time my bottle runs out.
I usually add enough Lugols iodine into a cup of saltwater from the tank to make the water look like apple juice. I usually only dip my corals for 2-3 minutes tops in such a dip. In my experience, all the pests I've dipped for fall off in much less than 1 minute. The remaining time is just for good measure.
The only coral that I would be hesitant to do iodine dips (or any kind of dip) on would be Cespitularia because it's a very sensative coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
....Hijack Over.....
no worries...
your questions helped me too. thanks for asking them and thanks viper and doktor for your useful information.

good alex

ive always done freshwater dips, but just one more ?
The iodine dip is to kill any unwanted hitchickers on the coral or zoos, but will the iodine dip kill pods, or does the iodine dip kill all inverts?


Active Member
It doesn't necessarily kill the pods unless you leave them in the dip. Sometimes I grab the pods and toss them back into the tank.
I bet the iodine dip CAN kill all pest inverts, but for some it'll take a higher strength dip and longer time, which could also end up killing the coral.


Using seltzer water is by far the best dip for Zoas, I do that followed by a dip of Lugols & Flatworm exit. I take a gallon of tank water about 40 drops of lugols and 2 drops of FW Exit. I let them soak for 10 min or so...the seltzer water will get any pests, usually will even get zoa spiders, the lugols i use for taking care of fungus problems.