Fw Id


Okay so here is the story... my sister has a friend that breeds fw angel fish, so sis wants some angelfish. So I being the loving wonderful little sis that I am find this guy that is giving away a complete 29g set up. So I go get the stuff, nice guy just doesn't know anything about fish and the tank was his cousin's who moved out. So to make a long story short the tank came with some fish. I am pretty sure I have been able to ID them all but I wanted to post some pics and see what you guys think. Also I don't think she would be able to put angelfish in the tank with them, mainly because I think the tank will be over crowded. A couple of the fish I know what are, one is a betta and there are two albino aeneus cory cats (I didn't take pics of these fish). The other fish I think are 2 Albino Tiger Barbs, 1 Tiger Barb and 1 Mickey Mouse Platy. So anyway here are some pics tell me what you think:


if you need bigger pics let me know... I didn't mean to resize them so small. Also if you know of a good fw website that I might be able to get an id on these please let me know and I will post my email. Thanks!


Active Member
the one with the mikey mouse on it is a sowardtail. its a female, the other one in the pic is a trtra but cant reamb the name of it. and not sure about the otehr ones. The reason i know abotu the mikeymouse one is i hav a few.


hmmm does it look more like a The Serpae Tetra, or Red Minor
first pic is bleeding heart second pic is serpae



and here is the mickey mouse and a swordtail, it does have more of the coloring of the mickey mouse platys, would a swordtail have that coloring on the tail?



If there are tiger barbs in the tank they may nip at the long fins of the angels. Barbs can get mean.


would they be okay in a 10g? My nephew has a 10g that has a molly, neon tetras in it. I am going to put the betta in with those, I don't think the betta should be with the other fish anyway!


Your first set of pics didn't show for me. In the second set you've got what certainly looks like a serpae tetra and mickey mouse platy. I've never seen a swordtail with the mickey mouse marking on it but it's fairly common in platies.
I can't really see the others clearly enough to tell. BigB is right though if you've got tiger barbs in there. While commonly listed as a community fish and certainly not anywhere near as bad as actually aggressive fish like cichlids, tiger barbs do tend to get nippy and are a bit boisterous.


would the The Serpae Tetra be okay in a 10g? I have read the the mickey mouse would be okay in a 10g, any thoughts? My nephew has a 10g with 3 neon tetras, 1 molly, 1 pleco (I have no idea what type) and 1 cory cat (no idea what type) so I was going to suggest that my sis put that she divide the fish as follows:
mickey mouse
serpae tetra
3 neon tetras
all 3 cory cats
and find a new home of the barbs
any suggestions?
the barbs looks just like this one