Okay so here is the story... my sister has a friend that breeds fw angel fish, so sis wants some angelfish. So I being the loving wonderful little sis that I am find this guy that is giving away a complete 29g set up. So I go get the stuff, nice guy just doesn't know anything about fish and the tank was his cousin's who moved out. So to make a long story short the tank came with some fish. I am pretty sure I have been able to ID them all but I wanted to post some pics and see what you guys think. Also I don't think she would be able to put angelfish in the tank with them, mainly because I think the tank will be over crowded. A couple of the fish I know what are, one is a betta and there are two albino aeneus cory cats (I didn't take pics of these fish). The other fish I think are 2 Albino Tiger Barbs, 1 Tiger Barb and 1 Mickey Mouse Platy. So anyway here are some pics tell me what you think: