FW Problem


I know this is a saltwater board but a lot of you other people have FW tanks. This morning I found my oscar (chiclid) with 2 wounds on one side. Looked like pieces of skin were hanging off of the would. A placo (know I spelled that wrong but it is the black algea eater) is the only other fish in the tank. What might haves caused this? I put Melafix (know this is dreaded in SW tanks but this is a FW tank) in to help since it is for wounds. What might have caused the wounds?


The one wound has the flesh gone but the other looks like something cut into the skin from a 45degree angle. Like a razor cut it. The gravel is very small pieces and the plants are all easy bending plastic. Has me confused.


UPDATE: The Melafix has healed the wounds up so I can hardly tell where they were. Still makes me wonder how he got the wounds.


New Member
I had oscars for years, and they were always getting hurt one way or another.
I had one tiger for 8 years, and when he got bored, he would impale himself on things. He always had big gaping wounds. They heal quickly as long as the water is in good condition.
Are there any large, sharp rocks in the tank?
If there's nothing else in there he could get hurt on, it must be the pleco.
Just a side note, oscars do get bored,
and can become destructive. You probably already know this, but glass decorations or marbles can become playthings. And they break tanks when thrown hard enough.
Also, oscars will break glass heaters the same way - grab them and throw them at the glass. Ping pong balls are great for entertaining bored oscars.


Active Member
In my FW days I did have a couple of BIG Plecos in my 150 with a number of large FW fish. A few times I did see the Plecos attach to one of the big fish but normally the fish just moved and the Pleco let go. I would think if they get hungry enough a fish might look tasty to them.


i have to agree, i have a fresh water tank as well the biggest fish in there are 2 8" bala sharks. larger fish get injured to a larger degree......its more obvious. key is to recognize it from diseases and keep nice fresh water (for my fresh water injuries i add a bit of aquarium salt as per instructions to a water change) to help with the wounds.