Not a 75, but a 55 planted aquarium with:
1 pair Pearl gouramis
6 neon tetras
3 bronze cories, 1 false juleii
1 clown pleco
1 clown loach
6 harlequin rasboras (and 1 copper)
4 long-finned zebra danios (2 gold, 2 reg) + 1 odd pearl danio
2 head and tail light tetras
2 juv. sailfin mollies (they had to go somewhere... I don't recommend sails in any totally fresh setup because in my experiense w/o a little salt they're just disease-mongers)
This is what we've ended up with after having the tank up and running after a year and a bit, the plants are coming in really nicely and after a few issues (giant jerk-face pleco!) things have settled down quite a bit. The neons are a fairly recent addition, maybe 2 months and we really love how they school together well and just seem to make the tank look "full". The clown loach will have to be traded out when he gets too large but right now he's looking fabulous at 3"+ and dealing with the snail problem nicely. He had friends but they didn't make it a week