FW tanks..I'd like to see what you got!


I have been keeping fish for over 20 yrs, FW was my first love and everyone has a species they will always have. Mine are my angels and brackishwater puffers.... The 6 yr old angel is not the prettiest. He is very aggressive, wont tolerate algae eaters, frogs, fw crabs, red tailed sharks, small catfish or even his own kind..all have met their doom by him. although tolerates a stray molly that was in with feeder guppies a few months back..go figure? The puffers frick and frack, are the best they are so tame they will not leave me alone when I clean the tank, rubbing, biting and swimming inside my hand..they are clowns! I would like to see everybodies favorite FW/brackish fish, where are those discus? I know they are out there somewhere!



I don't have any pics, but I love freshwater fish! My dad has been keeping fish since before I was born, so I guess fish keeping is in my blood! I have a 55 gallon, and angels are my favorite! I have several, all different colors. I keep them with gouramis, some bleeding heart tetras and 2 plecos. :joy: I love your angel, and your puffers are too cute!


I have a 29 gal FW tank, but no Discus right now.
I had a couple that I absolutely loved...had them a couple years and then I went into the hospital for a couple of days and my heater malfunctioned and just STAYED ON!
You can imagine what happened.....


Active Member
i like those puffers what do they require? can they live with
a parrot cichlid
clown loacher
african glass cat
black skirt tetra?
its a 20 gal. and i have seen the puffers but i want to know what it take to have 2 of those little guys! a new tank?:


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
Cool! I love it.
thanx im sure you havnet read the thread but if i could get some info on those coll little guys (puffers) name? and what i asked on the above thread. sorry im a little anxious cus a new oppurtuity arrised cus i thought about them earlier


Originally Posted by bill109
i like those puffers what do they require? can they live with
a parrot cichlid
clown loacher
african glass cat
black skirt tetra?
its a 20 gal. and i have seen the puffers but i want to know what it take to have 2 of those little guys! a new tank?:
Humm, they are very aggressive and they are brackish water. I wouldn't put them in there with anything like those. They can be acclimated to FW..in fact most LFS don't add salt to any of their tanks, just because they just don't know. Mine have salt, they live longer, will breed and just do better. A ten gallon is all you need for two puffers..they grow very slow.


Originally Posted by spoiledogz
I have a 29 gal FW tank, but no Discus right now.
I had a couple that I absolutely loved...had them a couple years and then I went into the hospital for a couple of days and my heater malfunctioned and just STAYED ON!
You can imagine what happened.....

Oh bless their hearts! I love discus..always wanted them but you can't find them in LFS any more, at least not around here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
Oh bless their hearts! I love discus..always wanted them but you can't find them in LFS any more, at least not around here.
really? i see them all the time.! i have a 12 gallon tank that i might be taking down from saltwater and making it a freshwater. and what about the salt?
the salt we use for the sw aquariums or un iodized salt? and o yeah what is the ration again and are they figure 8 puffers?
thank you any advice youd be great.


Originally Posted by bill109
really? i see them all the time.! i have a 12 gallon tank that i might be taking down from saltwater and making it a freshwater. and what about the salt?
the salt we use for the sw aquariums or un iodized salt? and o yeah what is the ration again and are they figure 8 puffers?
thank you any advice youd be great.
You can use Doc Wellfish's aquarium salt..it's the large crystal stuff or reg sw salt. For brackish you use half of what you would use for SW. so on a 4 gallon measurement you would use 1 cup of salt to 4 gallons of FW..so for 10 gallon you would use 2 1/2 cups salt. Does that make sence? I use the large crystal and it's different..I use tablespoons instead of cups.
They are fig 8 and spotted