G. kidako pics


Well, AW2 - you asked.

He's so little, but seems very healthy and alert. He's been hiding in the rock caves I designed for him, and sometime last night he ate a single silverside I had failed to entice him with earlier. Great rusty coloring...
Happy to be an eel keeper again. Now I'm even more impatient to get a monster tank going!
Jason, thanks again for selling him to me!



heh. The pics suck, but they're the best I could do with what little patience I have. I'm sure I'll finally make the time to read the camera's operational manual when I locate a decent enough tank to really show off. ;-)
Tell Amanda we hope she feels better soon. And if she has "the crud", tell her to try Mucinex. It works!


hey you got any pics of your dog I'm looking this breed for my next dog!!! Males get like 230 I heard they are excellent family guard dogs


Some do get that large, yes. And they are superb guardians- no training needed - but be aware that they must be crated when ANYONE out of the immediate family comes over. They do attack. It's not the breed for everyone... I do some work in Mastiff rescue, especially with Filas... If I knew what state you were in, I could point you toward a good breeder. If you want, you can email me at GoSpeedGrrrl AT yahoo.com
When I adopt out the female Fila I'm fostering now, I'm going to be hunting down a female Cane Corso pup. They're fabulous too. :joy: