Galaxea Coral


just picked this up a Galaxea yesterday and I am wondering if the LFS was right about the lighting it needs. Usually they have given me good advice.
I have 192 watts on PC's over a 46g and I was told that it would be ok as along as I give him/her some room and put it near the top of the tank. Ohh and it needs strong water flow.
Can someone triple check the info they gave me


Originally Posted by dueces
just picked this up a Galaxea yesterday and I am wondering if the LFS was right about the lighting it needs. Usually they have given me good advice.
I have 192 watts on PC's over a 46g and I was told that it would be ok as along as I give him/her some room and put it near the top of the tank. Ohh and it needs strong water flow.
Can someone triple check the info they gave me
I google it, and this is what came up. Difficult to keep in an aquarium
Easily damaged
Susceptible to brown jelly infections and other problems
Prefers bright light
Gentle current works best
Produces long stinging tentacles
Best kept well away from other corals


what color do you have because i have heard that the red ones for some reason are easier to keep


Dueces, I just got one about 2 weeks ago, still have it in QT because I have to move things around in my 55 reef to make room for it. Mine is green, I would post a picture but my camera seems to have went on a hunting trip....hopefully they aren't to hard to keep. I will be moving it into DT tomorrow. Got any pictures of yours? Please post them if you do. I have seen its sweeping tentacles when I feed, they are very skinny and long....Anybody else have these corals in their tanks? If so any suggestions.... ***)


Active Member
Yea just put it near the top and give it plenty of space. I swear the sweaper tenticles on mine are about a foot long. Mine is under medium flow and every few days I blast it with a turkey baster to clean it off.


patandlace, how long have you had yours? Any pictures? Please post if you do......thanks. I will post some when my camera comes home from hunting. :jumping:


Active Member
I've had it for 3 mos. It was a rescue coral that was given to my LFS. It has slowly been growing back. I'll take some pics in the morning after my lights are on.


Active Member
You should not have a problem with the galaxea. Anytime I have kept them under PC's, they always seemed pretty easy to maintain.


:cheer: Great to some sites say difficult to keep.


New Member
I have had a galaxea for about 6 month under PC's. It has grown a lot since then. Only problem with them is they do have long sweeper tenticles and it will melt any softies near it. Nice looking coral though!


Active Member
They need to be fed particulate matter. I use fresh seafood from the grocery store. Chop it up very finely while still frozen (easier this way). Once it is minced finely, put the food in a shallow dish of tank water and mix it up. Use a syringe to spot feed the slurry to the galaxea. Feed 2 times a week.
Make sure you turn the skimmer off while feeding and leave it off a couple of hours or it will go crazy.
You could also feed it marine snow or phytoplankton but that stuff is expensive. The seafood from the grocery store will last a month for about $2.00.


I forgot to bring in my camera into work so i could post a picture. Anyway...Mine is Green and I really like the look of it. I feed it some cyco-eeze and mysis shrimp combo last night but didn't see any of its tenticles. maybe b/c the lightsa were still on.
great info..I post a picture soon


patandlace, you said yours was a rescue coral? I have a few of the polyps dieing, should I just leave them or try and remove the ones that are dead. I see yours have some dead ones on the bottom, so I'm thinking just leave them. This coral is about 5 X 4 inches.
When my camera gets back from hunting I will post a picture of mine.
How's yours doing dueces?


mine is fine...I have had it less then a week and there is no change. I have it near the top with good flow around it and it seems happy. I need to take a picture of it.......


Active Member
Here's a pic of my galaxea coral. Sorry the quality is poor, it was taken with a phone camera. It is the red and green variety. This is by far my favorite coral.


Very nice, I hope mine looks like that some day. It hasn't opened up all the way yet, and one little place on it is dieing, kind of on the edge where it looks like they broke it off or separated it. They look like individual polyps, are they? I hope it will be alright, I put it in DT tank tonight, about 3/4 of the way up with medium flow, and I hope it is far enough away from a frog and hammer. I don't want it to poison my other ones if it doesn't make it.
A torch that I got online died right after I got it and killed 3 out of 4 heads of one of my frogs so I am kind of leary of it happening again.


Active Member
Yes, they are individual polyps. The juvenile starts out with one polyp atop a tooth-like structure. A concentric ring of tiny polyps grow around the original one. As these mature, they get as big as the original polyp and repeat the process. The galaxea expands this way upwards and outwards.
You can carefully break off one of these "teeth" and put it elsewhere in the tank and it will grow into another galaxea. I used to propagate them and sell them this way, but it got to the point where i didn't want to give any of the buggers away lol. I now have 3 galaxeas and no more room to propagate them.
You don't need to worry about the galaxea poisoning any other corals. They have to actually touch the other coral and sting it with their nematocyts. These are usually extended on sweeper tentacles up to 6". I've noticed that these sweepers generally come out with increased aterflow. My galaxea is in a light current and the sweepers never come out.
Nice green galaxea btw... I need to get a frag of one of those some day!