galaxea corals


Active Member
So i have this galaxea coral in the QT until later today when i can meet up with the person who is getting it, and i'm fascinated by it. It has little star-like polyps that float in the current. it is obviously a stoney coral, but i can't figure if it is lps or sps. I have NO clue how this thing grows itself, it doesn't look like it skins anywhere, nor does it look like it buds itself, so it must grow new polyps under the rock...
anyone know how this thing propegates itself?


Active Member
i love galaexas!!! i have a small one in my tank thats growing now....i think when they are large and in water movement they look amazing, like a i field of wheat in the wind.....but anyways, below the is a i'm pretty sure they build that skeleton out...i think they are LPS, but someone can correct me if wrong


Active Member
They are lps, very cool looking but not one I risk with the way my tank is stocked, they can have some vicious sweepers so place a good distance from everything else. Not sure how they spread though. What color is yours?


Active Member
mine is green...and yes the sweeper tenticles can be a NIGHTMARE...we had some at work that were at least 3" long from the they definitely need clearance


Active Member
Got rid of mine, stung everything in a half foot radius, my tank is overlly stocked as well, no room in the reef for this type coral. Love how they look though.