Game Over: Starfish 2, Condi 0.


Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on why my chocolate chip starfish ate my condi. My 55G tank has been up for about 2 months now, plenty of algae for my starfish to eat. The condi was white with purple tips at first, then about 2 weeks ago it started to turn brown, then started to move around alot. then about a week later I noticed that the star was on top of the anenome and it looked like the star had its digestive organs outside of it's body, eating the condi. I pulled him off and the anenome appeared fine. Yesturday I saw it again, except this time the condi was presumably dead. It had no tenticles left and its orange base was very pale, a soft pink color. I pulled it out and froze then flushed it, because I didnt want to take the risk of trying to save it, and it dying in my tank while I was at work. I wonder if the anenome was dead before the starfish found it, but then I say no, can't be because it had tryed to eat it a week ago, when it was alive and appeared to be healthy, minus the slight browning. What was the browning from? It was in good circulation, was it frying in my 260 PC lights,which were being left on for about 12 hours? I have set them down to 5 hours now. Any thoughts?


Active Member
Condylactus anemones can eat fish...just so you know.Chocolate chip starfish do not eat algae,and are not reef safe.They will eat corals and can eat other inverts.My guess is the anemone was already dieing,and the CC was taking advantage of a meal.
If you are going to keep the star,I suggest you spot feed it meaty food.When it is on the glass,just hold some food{like krill or a piece of silverside} next to it's edge,near the central disk,it should crawl onto the food.