gamestop vs hastings


im about to sell back a few ps2 games that i have not played in what seems like a decade...i.e tomb raider angel of darkness. insead of just letting it collect dust i thought i would gain a few bucks and purchase a new one in its place. the only problem being i havent sold back any games in a long time. so i was wondering who would give more of a deal, gamestop or hastings? :notsure:


Active Member
gamestop in lawrence ks (ku town) is all about ripping people off. hastings goes by corporate standards and i've always had equal prices to e-ay. gamestop seems much worse (here).
imo :yes:


Gamestop is a huge corporation and all the prices are set in the computer that is updated daily from the main office in TX. I dont really like any of those types of companies as they all are in business to make $ and we are the ones that give it to em. Better off to sell em to friends or even maybe on an online auction. Just my 2 cents. I used to manage a GameStop here in CA.


Active Member
How about my company ( EB games, eletronics boutique) we buy preowned games in our stores, my job is to oversee the refurbishing of traded preowned games. Better hurry though, we were just bought out by game stop. :eek: