Gargonian, should I get it?


New Member
I'm Thinking of getting a deep sea yellow gargonian from here. Have any of you had any problems with them? Any comments about them would be helpful thanks.


I want one to. I am waiting to see what someone says. If you look at the tank pics there are some in tanks. ***)


I did not buy mine from sw, but I am sooo glad I bought one. Beautiful! :joy: DON'T LET IT TOUCH AIR. I made the guy at my lfs put two back because the tips touched the air, adn immediately fell off the rest. Th only good part is that the red polyps seem to be independent of one another, adn if some of t touch the air, only that which is exposed may die. The rest should be just fine, depending on your tank parameters. Buy one, the pricing is better, adn you will probably get a larger specimen.


Active Member
my yellow died, but its because i have a lot of light on my tank and there was no shaded areas for it. it kept getting algae on it and eventually it just satrted to disintegrate.


New Member
I ordered one from Saltwaterfish, just got it today, it's beautiful! Don't know much about them, I'm about to find out. I posted a picture of some of the stuff that I ordered it's on the Saltwaterfish Order thread, take a peek.


Active Member
I got a yellow gorg, mmm, about 3 weeks ago. It's doing great in a higher flow area of my tank. I actually bought it for my sh tank, and I'm still planning on putting it in there. It's pretty cool, and the emerald crabs think so too...
Lisa :happyfish



New Member
Originally Posted by teen
my yellow died, but its because i have a lot of light on my tank and there was no shaded areas for it. it kept getting algae on it and eventually it just satrted to disintegrate.
Had the same problem... was doing fine until I upgraded my lighting. Even moved some rock to make a dark shadow and still was'nt enough.