

New Member
I'm thinking about getting a gargonian for my 24 Gal. nano. Is this something someone would recommend? I think they look cool. any must know info would be helpful. thanks


Originally Posted by kobain06
I'm thinking about getting a gargonian for my 24 Gal. nano. Is this something someone would recommend? I think they look cool. any must know info would be helpful. thanks
Have you ever had corals before? If not check out the Reff sub forum here at SWF.


Active Member
While most in the hobby know Gorgonians by sight and they have seen various colors and sizes. They are thier own world of sub species. Some are much more difficult than others. Tons of reading and I would recommend starting with an easier one like a yellow with red polyps like the ones they sell here on SWF. I think they are on sale now too.........
They really seem to do best when you read and know what thier needs are, set up for them,...then completly ignore them. Micro managing feedings, flow, and constantly moving the placement is a sure killer of most of them among hobbiests.