Garlic and ich?


I've started to notice a few spots on my foxface, but just on his fins on the sides. None of my other fish show signs yet. I am afraid to move foxface because he is easily stressed and i don't want to make the ich worse. I've read here that garlic helps build the imune system. I do have a reef tank and don't want to use copper or anything of that nature. Any info or expiriences would be great. I have 10g QT but not big enough for all of my fish. My only thoughts were I'm getting bigger tank soon and put corals and inverts there and leave the tank with ich as my new QT.


I have also read how ich is always dormant in fish, but stress and that sort of stuff bring it out. Fish acts fine eats very well, but recent stress may be from recent extensive cleaning and re-arranging. Any thoughts?


When I take the fish out and treat them after a period of four weeks for hypo. Would there still be ich in my tank. I thought i have read it takes 6+ weeks for ich to die without a host?
Update: Been soaking food in garlic for 2 days. No white spots but one fish is still scratching.


Staff member
Hello, X. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. You will want to look specifically at the QT/Hospital Tank, hyposalinity and refractometer posts.
In the absense of any fish, ich will die off within 3 wks. Fish is its food sourece, thus, if your display does not have fhis in it, then the ich will parish.