Garlic & Clove question > Beth - anyone???


Hello everyone, I've been lurking around here for quite sometime now just reading and trying to learn from everyone. I have a 55 gallon tank w/ 1 piece of liverock that came with some, what appears to be, plate coral though I am not 100% sure that's what it is. Anyway it's been up and running now for about 1 year and I've slowly added 2 clowns, 1 firefish, 1 sailfin tang, and 1 hi-fin cardinal. I also have 2 Bali stars that have been in there for several months (6 mths at least) now along w/ snails & blue-legged hermit crabs. Now I have my first crisis - I added a blue hippo tang that was only in qt for 1 week ( i had them qt her in the tank at the lfs, that's as long as they would do it) and she now has what appears to be ick - one week later. She's still eating & swimming well and I started Kick-Ick today and I am soaking their food in fresh organic garlic right now. I read mention of using cloves? - if someone would tell me the procedure for using this (cloves) I would appreciate it. I am a health nut anyway & use fresh organic garlic for myself & family as I know this is a natural antibiotic and one of the strongest anti-fungals we have, parasites hate garlic, I know they hate cloves, olive leaf and walnut tincture as well but I am unsure how to use cloves in conjunction w/ my tank. Any advise would be appreciated!!!!!
I would also like to know if anyone has had results using these methods. I thank you for your time and sharing of knowledge. Nothing speaks better or louder than 1st hand experience & you may just be the one to save a fishes life!!!!!!
Many Thanks,


Staff member
Pieces of minced garlic cloves can be used to help prevent ich, but I don't feel it can really cure ich. Also, that product you are using has a low success rate as well.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread and posts there on ich and hyposalinity. If you like natural therapies, then you love hyposalinity.


I'm afraid I don't have a proper hydrometer for hyposalinity not to mention another tank to perform it in. I'm in the process of setting up a 39 gallon for a qt tank but it's not ready. All the fish ate the food soaked in garlic last night and the tang looks much better today. What brand of hydrometer would I need to have to carry out this hyposalinity? Thanks in advance.


My yellow tang had ick and popeye. Since I had a reef tank, i wanted to stay away from medications, so my lfs sugested garlic. It worked great! It's made by Kent marine. You just put in i drop per 10 gals every other day. It took about 6 days to cure "chesters" problems. It also acts as an appetite stimulator, and prevents numerous parasites from coming back. I've been using it for about 4 months and I haven't had anymore problems. It will not affect PH or anything.


Active Member

Originally posted by kimber27
I'm afraid I don't have a proper hydrometer for hyposalinity not to mention another tank to perform it in. .. What brand of hydrometer would I need to have to carry out this hyposalinity?

I used to use a hydrometer, and never realized how inaccurate it was until I used my new refractometer. If you plan on doing SW long, invest in one of these. They run about $40 - $50 on popular auction sites.