garlic extreme subsitute


could you use regular garlic juice from the grocery store to soak your fish food if you cant get garlic extreme right away? Im out, and so is the closest lfs, they dont have any either.


For my 2 cents, I have used it until I could get some online....has not seemed to have any detrimental effect..........and the fish love it.


Staff member
You can, as long as the only ingredient is GARLIC. So read the label. However, I believe, and have fournd that freshly minced garlic where the juices are retained for the food soaks, work best. And its also the cheapest route.



Originally posted by Beth
freshly minced garlic where the juices are retained for the food soaks, work best.

Thats what someone else suggested as well. Thanks for the advice!
I have a new little bitty yellow tang, he is scared to go near the clips, not to mention the white cheek keeps escorting him away! I put one near his hide out..and he comes out and nibbles at it, the flies away fast from it, but I dont think he is eating very well yet. So, I just wanted to see if there was something to tide us over until the understocked lfs decides to get some in!
Thanks again!


Staff member
Angi, the tang will get used to the clip. What are you feeding this fish? There are a variety of good vegetarian foods on the market that you can also use for tangs.


Ive got brown, green and red seaweed selects sheets and then Ive got the frozen formula 2 cubes I put in a plastic mesh clip on feeder thing that suctions to the side of the glass.. Ive seen the yellow checking it out too, he may pick at it. Hes still very shy! I feed clips at both ends of the tank as well. So sometimes the brown will be busy at one place, which gives the yellow more of a chance to ck out the food... I alternate what I give them. Ive also fed frozen emerald entree and grape caulpera(sp?) but the Powder brown hogs that down as fast as I can buy it, I havent offered any live macros since Ive had the yellow tang. I just got the yellow on saturday. I also have a coral beauty in there that eats these same things, it and the yellow tang and it have buddied up, so I think that might help coax it to eat. It is getting alot braver. Poor little fella! Maybe I should have bought a larger size...I didnt know the powder brown/whitecheek was going to be such a butt.