Garlic Extreme!


All I want to say is 2 thumbs up to garlic extreme.
I haven't seen ick on my fish for some 3 weeks now. Fish seem heathy as ever.


I concur. That stuff is awesome. I have been using it for my girlfriends freshwater puffer. Adding a bit to the water and the food and things are MUCH better. No ick in about two weeks i guess. Now we also used a "reef-safe" medication.. its supposed to be copper free and im sure that helped a great deal also. If copper is supposed to melt snails to sludge, then this stuff is definitely copper free as the snails are all over the place in the tank. The puffer snacks on them when they get too close to her cave. But back on topic.. Kent Garlic Extreme rocks


Active Member
Agreed with Terry.
Garlic Xtreeme is a product that I often use and I would also promote.......I really like the stuff as far as getting finicky eaters to try foods and to help build up immune systems but, it is not an Ich cure.
I would say that it helps to hold sickness at bay while the fish get thier immunity back up and healing.