garlic question


New Member
I searched the site and read every article on Garlic,, I then went to a GNC to try to find some. Well they only had Garlic suplements in soft gel caps.
I bought it and boy does it stink,, I then took my frozen brine shrimp and Plankton and put some drops on it,,like 5 and let it sit for an hour and fed the fish,, The Clown will not eat it but the others do.
Am I doing this right???
Thank you


Staff member
Yes, most people are using the gel supplements for garlic. If the clown didn't like it, then cut back on the amt of garlic. However, why are you feeding it to your fish? Are you having a parasite problem at the moment?
You can also use fresh crushed garlic, and let it sit [smashed] for an hr in the food you are going to offer fish.


New Member
I have treated with garlic before, and had a hard time FINDING gel tabs, anyways after a long search did find some and they were even odor free! I thought that I hit the jackpot, it doesn't make the tank smell, but does look a tish oily after putting the food in, but that goes away quickly. I just open the capsule and let the pellets soak for a few minutes, seems to be working great as a preventive measure.


Active Member
I used a jar of crushed garlic from the grocery store. The jar contained alot of juice and that is what I used to soak the food in. I only treated for 3 days and the ick was gone.