

Is garlic safe for inverts? I got a Gramma and a Madarin that have ich. I can't catch them due to l/r so I want to treat them garlic.
I'm new to the board and wanted to say there is some great Q/A here


Staff member
Welcome to!
If you want to soak your food in garlic that is fine, it will not adversely effect your inverts. They can eat garlic food too. Don't add garlic directly to the water, however.
Garlic may take care of a minor ich problem, but if you actaully have an infestation going, you will need to do something else.
Take a look at the FAQ thread at the top of this forum.


I'm new to this forum and saltwater also - can you explain a little further on the use of garlic?? This might be stupid but are we talking fresh garlic, garlic powder, specific garlic from the LFS???
What type of method is used to apply??
Sorry I see alot of good info on here - but never any history so I have to ask even if I sound like a dork!

yosemite sam

Active Member
Following the advice of good folks on this board, I chop up the fish food (about a week's worth at a time) and put it into a small container with two garlic cloves cut in half. I then add a little fresh water and some ZOE additive, which is a bunch of vitamins, to get the stuff wet, enough to get it like a think soup, w/o a bunch of extra water. Then let it soak overnight and feed as normal. My fish don't notice any difference.


Staff member
You can use fresh garlic cloves that you can mince, making sure to capture the juice that is extracted. You can also use garlic juice that you buy at the grocery store, as long as it only contains GARLIC. Look at the ingredient label. It must not have any other ingredient.
There are also garlic mixtures that are sold in the hobby, such as Garlic Extreme, etc. This is more expensive.
If you mix up fresh seafoods then store in the freezer, then you can also mix up the garlic in the food when you food process/prep the food. Otherwise, you will need to allow the garlic soak to in the food for at least an hr in the refridgerator. Flake foods does not work very well, so your options are mostly fresh foods, or frozen hobby foods.


Well... the Gramma and the Mandarin died. I also had a Coral beauty that got the ick but he/she was able to kick it. I guess the garlic works. Ok so the next question is, if the fish kicks the ick do they become a host for the parasites?.
I used raw garlic and pressed it. I used the juice form that and soaked two fish gum drops for a day and feed twice a day.


From my understanding, Ich will always be present as long as there are fish. IMO.. I don't think garlic kills or removes ich from a tank. It may help a fish for awhile, but I belive it will return. From what I have read it looks like Hypo and Cooper are the only effective treatment for ich.