garter snakes



from everything that i could find online it says that garter snakes are a fairly good thing to have in your garden because they eat pests, but my ol' lady is afraid to death of snakes and every morning and evening, its "PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!! COME GET THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!" BTY, i do not kill them, just bag them and move them into a creek near our house. so any way of getting rid of them, for her at least?


See if you can find a product near you called "Snake-Away". It is a granulated powder that has an effect on the snake's sensitive scent glands (Jacobson's organ). You spread it around the area that you want to protect and they say they will be repelled by the odor. I live in Fl and we used to have a good number of snakes (mostly harmless) until the Bald Eagles moved in, now I may see one every six months or so. I have never used the stuff but I heard it works pretty well. I looked it up, and it says it is safe to use around pets, but I would ask a vet if the ingredients could be harmful. Here are the active ingredients:
Napthalene ..................................7.0%
Good luck and thanks for not killing them, they are good to have around!!


get a pet ferret.. take it for awalk around your garden every so often.. no snakes will come around after the ferrets scent is about!


really???? my girl loves ferrets, used to have one. hmmmm......just what we need, another pet though.


I know..nothin like more mouths to feed! lol
I used to have two of them, I kept them until they were oldmen! .. they were so sweet. Maybe oneday Ill have another one too.


Teach your wife to like and appreciate snakes. She wouldn't do well here in Florida. They come in through are pet door. More mouths to fed.



Originally posted by transman
mothballs work to keep them away

really..I didnt know that. I keep cats away from my houseplants n gardens with mothballs!
It seems towork


Active Member
saltymom, quick question. i have heard from a lot of people that ferrets smell bad. is this true? :notsure:


They are THAT bad.. ..but, yes, they do have a musky oder to them. A Males sent is stronger than a female as well, I had a spayed and neutered pair....and I always just shampood and conditioned them with baby shampoo...and gave them a blow dry. The smell wasnt something the family couldnt deal with thou, as long as thier area was clean and they were clean!!
They were pleasant little additions to the household! Emagine having a kitten around ALL the time..playful all the time! Bouncy and FUNNY!


omgosh..I just realized I spelled ARE instead of ARENT They really are not that bad to live with!! Im soo sorry, I reread that!


we have mini dachsunds and they are like always having puppies around.........crossed with ferretts. long, low and always bouncy