Gas Bubbles under skin of Gramma


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I have setup a 55G reef tank, with 50 lbs of live rock in it. The cycling of the tank took 9 weeks due to excessive die-off from the rock. Nitrates are presently nil, PH 8.2, 1.023 salinity, and temp around 80.
After the cycling I purchased some hermit crabs and snail for garbage patrol and 1 True Percula Clown and 1 Royal Gramma. The clown has a very friendly disposition and swims around happily. The Gramma hid for the first week, but has become more adventurous later. After 2 weeks, I bought a couple more snails, crabs, and 1 yellow Tang and a 6 line Wrasse.
In the past week my Royal has developped air pockets on the top and side of his head. The color of its yellow tail has faded a little, but now white spots. You can see the pockets undulate in the current. He has taken to hiding more now. He has a tendency to rub his head on the LR. He still comes out to eat, but goes back to his sanctuary. What could this be? GBD? none of the other fish have shown any signs of this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
Well a posting on another message board came back with a response to the problem I had with my RG. Apparently it was a case of "Flukes". These are round, pulsating blister like bubbles that locate themselves around the gills and forehead, and eat away at the gill tissue resulting in labored breathing, and eventually death.
According to the reply, the correct process for curing this disease in freshwater dips. It was stressed to make sure the water temp and ph were exact to the saltwater. Several 3 - 5 minute dips would be needed, however, in the freshwater you can see the flukes come off the fish. A quarantine tank is recommended till the fish is cured so you do not have to keep catching the fish. I am not aware of the contagious effect of this problem yet, so I am still worried about my other co-inhabitants. When I do find out, I will make sure to post so others may learn from this as well.


New Member
Sorry Beth...The RG passed away yesterday morning and it was not on my mind to take a picture of the fish before disposal.