Gas Buildup

salty rick

Last a week and a half ago I added a 4.5 inch DSB. Last night I noticed at the bottom next to the glass a discoloration. When I ran a stick down through the sand to the discoloration gas bubbles came out. Why is this?
When I converted to the DSB I took out a plenum and left in about one inch of agronite sand. I put the dead sand on top. I did not mix it up. My parameters are:
PH: 8.2
Calcium: 420
I ran out of my ALK test so I don't know what that is but I haven't had to add anything to keep my PH up so I think it is okay. I have a 55 with a canister filter, three powerheads and a Seaclone Skimmer.


Active Member
The bubbles are the Nitrogen your DSB converted from nitrates. There suppose to be there it means your DSB is working properly.


Active Member
I just noticed your from Greensboro. Thats where I was born and I lived in and around there until I was 25. I liked that area better than the area I live now. (job moved me)Hope you enjoy the area there are at least a couple of decent LFS's up there theres no one good around here any more.


Hey Rick. I'm right down the street from you in the bustling city of Glad to see more poeple from around here. Thought I was alone. :)

salty rick

Thanks for all the info. I am glad the DSB is working.
NACL-H2O, There are a couple of good LFS. I frequent Aquamain the most although I have shopped some at The Aquarium Shop as well.
10K - I too am glad to hear of others in my area of NC.