GE Silicone I white??



I bought a tube of silicone to do a little work on my sump. I have used GE Silicone I before and know that it works but I have always bought clear. This time I accidentally picked up white...anyone know if I can still use this? Not sure if whatever they use to make it white will be toxic or not?


I THINK, as long as it says 100% silicone (which it should as when I was silicone shopping last night, all the GE S1's said 100%) your all set, but I would wait to hear from someone else.


Active Member
100% does not mean anything. That means the carrying agent is all silicone but other things can be added for curing, strength, etc. I would only use aquarium silicone. I would hesitate one the white especially. A lot of people use the clear with no problems but titanium might be added to give it it's color.


Its the Mold and mildew resistant that is bad for your aquarium. DONT use anything that says Mold and Mildew resistant.


Read the tube, if it notes that its ok for aquariums your good to go, but i never heard or saw anybody using white before. Personally i wouldn't trust the white. It would be the pits to wipe out a tank over a $5.00 tube of silicone. ( just my .02 )


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
Read the tube, if it notes that its ok for aquariums your good to go, but i never heard or saw anybody using white before. Personally i wouldn't trust the white. It would be the pits to wipe out a tank over a $5.00 tube of silicone. ( just my .02 )
X2, I spent the extra money when I was there yesterday to get the stuff specially for aquariums, I think it was made by DAP.


if it says 100% silicone you can use it the white will really stand out though but as others have said dont use it if its mildew and mold resistant.
you just need to let it full cure before you hook it to the tank.


Active Member
works fine. I thought I had clear to, got home and said the hell with it. Sump is probably nearing 2yrs old no side effects from the white other than tacky looking.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
works fine. I thought I had clear to, got home and said the hell with it. Sump is probably nearing 2yrs old no side effects from the white other than tacky looking.

Cool, tacky does not bother me...just a sump. Thanks for all your input everyone. If anything runs amuck I will surely share.