General feeding question


I have a 75g FOWLR with 2 percs (1 inch each) and 1 yellow tang (small). As far as feeding them, the LFS gave me some flakes for the percs and said to put in a pinch of it 1 time per day. For the tang he gave me dried seaweed and said to put in about 2 squarie inches 1 time per day.
Is this info correct? Are there any general rules to use when feeding these guys?
Thanks for your help.


That is prett good advice, but you need to make your own judgement calls too. For the percs, feed as much food as they will eat in say 5 minutes or so. You can always add a little more, but dont stuff them. For the tang that is about right, if it eats it all right away, consider adding more. As the fish grow they will obviously need more food over time.
As a side note, its generally recommended to feed 2-3 times daily, although this is hardly a necessity, and in a newly setup tank you really want to feed as little as possible.