General question regarding rules?


I am sort of new around here. I am just wondering, I see people post where they have other sites on this BB and some people say you cant do that and other people reply with just another site. I have listed a couple and never fails someone says "HEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT." I just went back and looked around where you originally register and it doesn't say anything about listing other sites. Can someone who knows absolutely if you can or can't please shed a little light on this for me and all the newbies for that matter. Thanks


sorry to add this but just thought about it. Is there somewhere in here where there is a whole list of rules that I might have just not seen? Or is that it when you register?


Thanks MC I appreciate the help. Like I said just missed it. Helps to be smarter than these PC's Just needed to open my eyeballs. Well There is nothing as far as posting other sites that I can see. So Thanks agian


Thanks to you also sammy. It would seem as though people inluding would want everyone to benefit in this hobby. Sometimes not every store has everything so why not spread the word if you find a good site with helpful people and good products. I see you are in BH MI I Used to live in Berrien Springs and Coloma long long ago now living in SW FL. Small world huh? Thanks again for the help. C. :cool:


Active Member
posting of links, is allowed, for info, and even other vendors, many of us here prefer not to post other vendors, out of support for, but that is merelyour choice, however, it is my understanding(i think sammy may have not noticed this, about your stating bb's) that posting inks to other forums and bb's is not allowed though


far as I've seen,and going by what posted little while back, Sammy is right on the $$$ as long as it is something in reason (nonlude I ghuess) or self/business promoting that is OK