general question?


Should I use a sump on a 75gallon reef tank or just a hang on protine skimmer? Which is better for the tank and why?


Active Member
Diferent animals all together.
A sump's benefits are in the added water volume it brings to the tanks system without the bioload of fish in it. This dillutes the impact your livestock has on the water quality. Sumps also add space for more LR to filter the water. Also a deep sand bed or other addittions that would be considered an eyesore or even be too large to put in the display tank. You can addittionally use the sumps being out of sight as a bonus and put your heaters and dosing pump, top offs ect all where no one can see them and they wont take away from the display tanks clean appearance.
Protien skimmers can also fit into the sump but they function but injecting tiny air bubbles through a chamber and the dissolved organic toxins foam the same way it foam on the beach. The foam or toxin is trapped by design and overflows into the collection cup and keeps the water cleaner.
One, Both, or NIETHER can be used for a successful tank but if its in the budget then most run BOTH peices of equip for thier respective benefits.


Thank you very much for the info! the sump Im looking into buying has built in skimmer, so I will go whith that.