General RBTA question

My RBTA has two true percs hosting it, and it is about 5-6" across on an average day. Currently I've been feeding mysis shrimp once or twice a week (depending on how much it will eat at a given time). With two clowns hosting should it be that often? And how can you tell when one is getting ready to split? The LFS said this one was showing signs a week before I purchased it, but I have seen no indication of such as far as I could tell since I purchased it.
Also just because I know we all love pictures..



Looks very healthy. As far as signs a split is about to occur, many of mine have acted strange. (some not though) Such as moving around or hiding. The base with begin to stretch out and it will rip itself in half at the mouth.
Congratulations on finding a nice one.
Thank you. This one is a tank raised split from the LFS. They have a guy that brings them a split from the few he has in his tank every few months. This one had been in the fish shop for about a month before I picked it up, and it was hanging on for dear life to a skimmer output... they cut a section of the plastic off and it came home with me.
Re-assuring hearing that it looks to be doing good from someone else for sure though!