

Active Member
Anybody else have a generator they got primarily for their tanks? I just got a new 2300W unit (my old 1500W unit bit the dust last week) for $300 and will be powering my 55 gal reef tank as needed when the power goes out-my neighborhood is in a "power grid weak spot" and we regularly lose power. This unit will be able to run my pumps, heater, lights, and the chiller (if I need to get one this summer) with maybe enough amps left over for the refrigerator, but the tank comes first and the cold beer comes second. Calculating what I have spent on the tank, equipment, fish and corals, it seems like a small amount to spend for insurance.
I sure am glad I got into such an inexpensive hobby!

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nordy
Anybody else have a generator they got primarily for their tanks? I just got a new 2300W unit (my old 1500W unit bit the dust last week) for $300 and will be powering my 55 gal reef tank as needed when the power goes out-my neighborhood is in a "power grid weak spot" and we regularly lose power. This unit will be able to run my pumps, heater, lights, and the chiller (if I need to get one this summer) with maybe enough amps left over for the refrigerator, but the tank comes first and the cold beer comes second. Calculating what I have spent on the tank, equipment, fish and corals, it seems like a small amount to spend for insurance.
I sure am glad I got into such an inexpensive hobby!

In the 10 or so years i have been in this hobby my power has only gone out once for more then five mins and that was only for about two hours... but i do have one that i got in the Y2K thing but i have never used it...


i bought one mainly for my tank last fall. beacause we had a really bad storm in october the year b4 that knocked out power for a week.lucky for me it was pre-tank but i wouldnt be able to handle lossing all my stuff.


Active Member
I have one, and I feel that every reef owner should have one. You've made a wise decision, my friend.
Given your situation, I'd say you wouldn't be crazy to install an automatic one so if it goes out while you are at work, you'll be covered.


Active Member
My generator wass stolen and im goingn to be picking up one in the next couple weeks I assure you. I am honestly thinking about the ones that will run the whole house for around 2500 bucks. The problem is wiring it up and moving it as we move around a lot with my wife working for the ARMY... The lasst one I had like that cost me 6k and it stayed with the house as it was too much to move so im wondering how big off a dope I will be if I buy it as my wife and I and son might be heading back to florida in the next month or so..
Anyway about your gen your a smart smart man. A lot of people go with power units that last very little time unless you spend big money on them like I have done for my pcs but at the same time they atleast give you time to shut your pcs down etc so it should be enough time to give you to be able to setup a backup system if you go with a cheap one.


Active Member
I have a 10k generator because of the hurricane we had and I could not go a week without power.It is a good investment if you ask me.You never know when some idiot on the road will smack a pole and will be out of power for 7 hrs.

al mc

Active Member
When you consider that many reef tanks have thousands of dollars invested in them a generator seems like a small insurance policy. Wise move digity dash.
couldnt agree more, ive used mine a couple times over the past year, was so glad to have it, my wife even knows how to set it up!!!!