geting a fish out



I have a pigmi angel in my 29 gal reef tank I want to remove but I do not even want to try and take out the corals and rock my corals are growing across the rocks you know staying attached but being on a couple difrent rocks so I do not want to disturb them. This fish keeps eating the heads off the xeina. I had read that taking a 2 litter bottel cuting a slit in it and puting food in it the fish would swim in and be caught ok I am tring that well one damsal is in there but not the pigmia any ideas how i might get it out It will not come out with a net. My 29 is under my 75 in a custom stand so there is not a lot of space above the tank for an opening the 2 litter bottel turned sideways just did fit.


get in there w. a net & a hand, chase the fish around the tank and see where he goes the most. Find a place in front of the tank that he swims by frequently to escape youe hand & put a "clear glass"--like a wine glass-- there. use the net to make him wim away and your hand to kinda persuade him into the glass, then cover the end of the glass w/ the net and voila


No this fish goes in under the live rock when ever you have a net or hand in there. It was swiming around the bottel but just never went near the opening. usaly stays in back up near the xeina whitch is on the back glass


Active Member
maybe if you move some of the xenias in the cup and then it might want to go in but you might not want to risk your xenias.