I'm getting a 215 starfire tank,stand & canopy in april( waiting for the sail at the store in Lancaster). I'm going to put everything from my 90 in it. would making my own rock be ok i have about half of my 90 filled with live rock. and transfering everything over how should i do it? I recently lost a powder brown tang and sailfin to ick so I want to make sure I don't transfer that to the new tank. I read somewhere that they did water changes on old tank to fill up new tank so there wasn't a cycle is that true? and when I get it filled should I move rock first and leave fish corals and inverts in 90 till ick should be gone. I was thinking about making rock for bottom so it would be a little cheaper and i was going to start now so it would be cured by april when i get my new tank then put the live rock i have on top. what do you think. lots of opinions would be great