Getting a bigger tank.


New Member
I'm going from a 30 gallon tank to a 55 gallon tank and need some advice on the best and fastest way to transfer everything. I have live rock & sand, a passive fish assortment including clowns, gobies, chromis',and an angel. I also have a cleaning crew, a chocolate chip starfish. The filter and skimmer I have are for a 6o gallon tank so I don't have to buy more, hopefully. Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
It should be as simple as taking the stuff out of one and putting it in the other. No need to wait for the new tank to cycle because you've already done that. You may get a small ammonia spike since you're going to be stirring everything up, but the bacteria should quickly fix that problem.
If the tanks are close enough you can just walk to each one and take stuff outta one and put stuff in the other... if they are far apart you may need some buckets... Make sure you keep every bit of water in that old tank to put in your new tank, and mix up enough saltwater (at least a day in advance) to add to the bigger tank.