Getting A Fish


When I get a fish and its done acclimating, do I have to leave the lights off or can I turn them back on since it is the only fish that will be in there?


Active Member
Leaving the lights off is for the benefit of the new fish, not the existing ones.
So yes, leave the lights off for the rest of the day after introducing a fish, even if it is the first one.


Active Member
Yup, same thing I do. Leave them off for the rest of the day
Have you watched the acclimation video over on the left here

It really helps, especially the first time you do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Yup, same thing I do. Leave them off for the rest of the day
Have you watched the acclimation video over on the left here

It really helps, especially the first time you do it.
+1 that video works and works well. Deffently watch it.