Getting a leather coral to stay put


I have a toad stool leather that is attached to a small rock. Every time I place this thing somewhere secure, the next morning the leather has totally relocated to a hidden location. Should I use some epoxie of glue to secure the rock the coral is attached to in place to other live rock? If so what should I use?


Active Member
Is the leather AND the small rock being reloated?... like with flow or something? If so, ya, you can glue the small rock to a larger one.
If it's just the leather that is taking off every night... I may wanna get that reID's if it were me. Leathers move... but not with that kind of nightly determination.


Its very interesting because the flow is not that high in this area. But at night the whole thing has taking off twice. I bought the coral from satwaterfish, so I have confidence in what it is, plus it looks correct, for what its worth.
Should I use silicone to glue it down?


Active Member
Silicone should not be cured underwater and it takes too long to wait until it cures out of the water.
I would go with a small amount of two part epoxy or wedge it between some rocks.