getting a lot closer


New Member
whoo hoo finally found what i was looking for,210 gal tank, custom stand,72" light< sorry but never heard of ultra light brand 6 white light 6 blue light/ with 12 moon lights. appx 300lb large 8-10" rock appx 200 lb sand.4 stage r/o filter system large protein skimmer, not sure of mfg only know about24" tall with appx7-8" dia.cup aqu pharm master salt test kit, <is this one reliable> appx 30 gal sump with 20 galtank xtra. auto fill float for r/o filter.1 beckett pump rated at 1200 gph.2 seio 2600 pumps rated2600gph. lotta work to do on this. tank cleaned yesterday with vinager and h2o. still have to scrape algae some place with razor blade, rocks must be scrubbed< all green was in fre sh, brackish set up. much work to be done, but price was
excellent. was running when i went to look at every thing looks to be in good shape other than dirty. will post pics when i learn form kids how to down load pics,<mechanical, electrical,plumbing all very proficent at > not these computers, currently using hunter peck system to type this ha ha


Active Member
Congrats on the find. Looking forward to some pics when you have it up and running. And welcome to the boards