getting a new tank


hello i am going to set up a biger tank then the one i have now i am looking at getting a 40 gallon tank or something like that i now have a 10 gallon tank i am ganna get just a glass tank but i am wondering what i have to put in there for a fish only with live rock like i know i have to put salt and stuff in and get the cycle going by putting the live rock in but what i am trying to say is what will i need in there as in what type of filter can i use do i need to use a skimmer or can i just use the bag or whatever they call it for a fliter can i use a spray hang on fliter or will i need some esle what would need to into the filter any ideas ???


my friend, let me introduce you to the " . "
are you want to know what kind of filters to use on a 40 FOWLR?


So anyway, it all depends on how many fish you want to keep. If you only have a couple fish a hang-on filter will do just fine. The more fish you have the more equipment, live rock and live sand you will need. Canister filters work great if you don't want to set up a sump or refugium. I say go all the way and avoid an problems!!! If you get a 40 gal tank get, 40 lbs live sand, 20 -40lbs live rock the more the better. Atleast 2 med sized powerheads. If your low on money you won't need the skimmer right away. With a nice canister filter in this mix you will be able to safely stock your tank, IMO.


ohh.... the punctuation and grammar police are out in force today.
How full is your current tank with live rock? how many pounds? how much sand? What filter system are you using?


Active Member
instead of a canister filter, get a decent hob skimmer. water quality will improve dramatically.


hello thank you for getting back to me you all have great ideas the main reson for me getting a new tank is becuase i was thinking the 10 gallon is quite cruel for me letting fish swiming in there long term however i still dont think i am ready for coral just yet so i am still going to just do fish only with live rock my 10 gallon tank is going well how ever i had no fish die yet they all look really good i just wanna get mabye a few more fish that i like and i know i cant get in a 10 gallon tank so i am going to get mabye 50 gallon / 40 gallon i came across this filter jebo i think they call it they sed you can use it for marine / freshwater on the box so i was thinking about getting it but will i need to put anything inside it like bio balls or anything like that ? or the bag what acts like a skimmer i know i need live rock and sand and that but is there anything esle i need to do that i have missed or something i have sed thats is wrong ?


by the way i was thinking about getting this one Jebo Newport B-28 aquarium canister filter
This is the newly remodeled Lifetech 828 by Jebo dist co. It has 28 watt magnet drive motor(300gh max flow) includes multifiltration baskets and all media(30.00 value)hoses and aereation attachment.Silent operation it usually can go 3 months without cleaning.Suitable for aquariums up to 100g.


does any one know how much it going to cost me to get it set up for 50 gallon tank with fliter and and everything