getting a qt tank


New Member
SO I got a 29 gallon qt tank and I am just wondering should I cycle it just like the first one or should I add some of the water and live rock from my existing tank?
I have cc in the 55 gal so I got live sand for the new one and hope that I can cycle it and put the 2 wrasses and 3 damsels in the qt tank to get the cc out and put in sand for the 55 gal.
I have read the threads about ls and it seams that the water will look cloudy for awhile so I want the other tank to house the fish until that is all cleared up. Some say you can add the ls to the tank, but I don't want to stress out the 5 fish that I have gotten to stay alive.
Also what kind of clean up crew should I have in the qt tank? After the switch I don't think there will be anything in it for awhile.


I would double-check Beth's post about setting up a QT...
If you're just using it as a holding tank, rather than a hospital, I don't see the harm in using some LR in there...
And I don't think your guys will be in the 29 long enough to worry about a CUC. To get the sand to settle, maybe a couple of days? Then just check your levels to see if you go through another cycle before putting your guys back in there....
Should be pretty straight-forward!
Good luck!