Getting at tattoo. (Im 16)


Hey guys whats up! I was woundering if you could get a tattoo at age 16 in CT with parental consent?
I have my moms permission to get the tattoo beacause we ha d a deal that if I ha d an A- averagve in school for the 2nd half of the year I could get a 3 inch by 3 inch tattoo. She said she would walk in with me and everything.
So does anyone know if I can get it at this young age??


they are addicting hope you know that ive got friends who say they just wanted to get one but the place they got theirs they needed something else to even it out so they have their whole arms and shoulders covered. plus i believe you have to be 18 or do it yourself at home prison style


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrewCo
Hey guys whats up! I was woundering if you could get a tattoo at age 16 in CT with parental consent?
I have my moms permission to get the tattoo beacause we ha d a deal that if I ha d an A- averagve in school for the 2nd half of the year I could get a 3 inch by 3 inch tattoo. She said she would walk in with me and everything.
So does anyone know if I can get it at this young age??

shop may not legally be able to regardless of consent???


New Member
Here's my .02. Just go somewhere good. Don't fool around with tatoos. If you can't get one at 16, wait until you can get one. You can really get hurt if you don't do it the right way the first time. It's scary. :scared:


miller man if thats the only way than thats the only way... I dont see whats gay... seems just like a very dumb comment..


not saying wanting a tatoo is bad but there are things to consider and im sure others will add to the worst case catching something need to find out how they do the tattoo and cleanliness of the shop. infection that may occur. and not being able to donate blood for i think 4 years. maybe i came across the post earlier a little harsh but why not just wait a year and get one if you still want one and if ;you do want one you will maynot like it in two years because your older.


No, i understand what you are saying. All I want to know is can I get a tattoo at 16 with parentall consent in CT.


sorry for the miscommunication on my part. you may be able to get one i mean girls can not go and get their ears peirce i beleive with out a parent if they are young so you may be right. I just know ive got old high school friend who got tattoos when they went to the beach and now they hate them because they are 24-25 now and they were 17-18 why not wait and get one that has a meaning like a college phrat. or something. but just dont get one that is something like barb wire or a sun on shoulder thats has no meaning. It may have been a dumb comment my mistake in reading. im getting an engineering degree and i have 2 classes left in my feild and i will probably consider getting something from my college tattooed but i am not dead set on it just think about everything that you may not like about it in the place that you will get it for the future like if you get one on your arms i dont think the army like it to much


just to justify what i am saying i was 18 and i got my brother to take a hot and i mean hot nail and burned three holes deep into my shoulder this had no meaning and it now has left a horrible brand mark on me and i hate it my family hates it my girlfriend hates it it looks horrible now but when iwas 18 it looked good it was cool at the time alot of people at my school had done this and now i regret it is not a tattoo but it is a form of one. I apologize fully. i should not have replied the way i did.


lol you should wait and buff up a bit.. your still growing until your 21.. that means if you get a tattoo of a pencil now its gonna look like a marker in a few years... your gonna regret it man


Hello guys-16 even with parents concent-most shops will only do a cover up. You have to check your state laws on that. And just because your mom says it's ok dosen't mean an artist will do it-it's at their discression-I know most good artists, and shop owners will not do tats on anyone below the age of 18-even with parents concent-and no a "permission slip" will not do. Cover ups only here in TN and in NY state, under the age of 18. And it's not true you have to wait 4 years to give blood-you can give blood anytime with tats-as long as there is no infection-I know, I have 12 of them and it never prevented me from giving blood. I know you want a tat but seriously think about it-16 is really young and you may regret it later-atleast wait until your out of school and of proper age. But if you are hell bent on getting one, and you can-DO NOT go to someone who isn't certified, alot of shops have people who aren't certified, they are just training-and they won't tell you either-ask! Make sure the person who is doing it uses disposable needles, tubes, ink cups and who has a clean place-you may get more than just a tat! Some shops will reuse tubes & ink cups thinking it's ok-it's not-disease can spred through the reuse of tubes and cups-not just needles. Also Keep in mind of what you want before you go there-it can be overwhelming when you see all the flash they have covering the walls-and you might make a rash choice, I had a stick on for a week-of what I wanted-and where, have never regretted getting it. Just be safe...and good luck, I hope this helps.