Getting back to a 29g



First a little info, or skip to next paragraph for my question. Anyways I used to have a 29g tank, then I stepped up to a 55g tank. Now I moved to an apt. for school so I want to bring a 29g to my apt. I currently dont have any tanks running.
Anyways I have a 29L and was looking at biocubes such as the 20, 29 or whatever it is. Is it worth the money to buy one of those or should I just set up my standard 29L?
I have a emporer 400 HOB filtration setup, is that sufficient enough for a nano tank, or should I look into other filtration methods? I know with the cubes they have built in refuge which would be nice, as I don't really have anywhere to put a refugeunderneath my tank.
So basically my question is would you buy a nanocube or what all would you buy for a 29L to make it livable by some fish, live rock, shrooms and zoos?


Active Member
IMO you have a decent set up... You can use your existing HOB filter and turn it into a Refuge if you want. There are threads explaining how to do this. The downside is you didnt mention lighting, the cubes come equiped with sufficient lighting to keep most soft corals. If you use your tank you will need to purchase new lights for corals if your intention is a reef tank.


Yeah I would need new lighting if I stuck with my current tank. If I use my 29L I would need lights, heater, pump, new HOB filter unit, use my old HOB filter and make it a refuge.
Or I could go with a cube setup that has the refuge built in or something. Is it worth it?


Active Member
Even though i love my cube if I had to do it over again I would use my 30 gal tank and start slow making it into a reef tank. IMO its more versitle and your options are endless.


It would be the cheaper route to go as well as all I need is 1 HOB filter since I can use my old one for a fuge..
research time!