Getting Corals to Color Up


Currently I'm running two 10k 175w MH on my 75. All of my corals are starting to lose their bright colors and browning a bit. I'm guessing it's because of the 10k. I'm not currently running any actinics. I'm wondering if i run 2 40w normal output actinics will that be enough to help color up my corals or would i need something more powerful like VHOs?


Active Member
So you are not running any actinic lighting? I would suggest some bluer bulbs, like 14K's. 10K's can make colors look washed out.


i want the growth from the 10k that's why i'm running them. I'm asking if supplementing with normal output actinics would be enough to color them up.


Active Member
test for phosphates. if you read any on a liquid test kit you prob have more than you want in your tank. phosphates will brown out sps


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZeroC
i want the growth from the 10k that's why i'm running them. I'm asking if supplementing with normal output actinics would be enough to color them up.
Yes it would....


Active Member
yes it will but will not be as good as a higher K bulb.What where the coral under when you got them?What kind of corals we talking about?The corals will show alot more color with a 14k to 20k MH bulbs.20k Makes the corals colors pop Very nice but the growth rate is less.


I want to stick with having a crisp white tank, that's why I'm not running any higher K. I tried 14k it was way too blue for my liking. The corals i want their color to come back are all zoos and palys. my red monti is still red, my green monti is still green and my purple monti is still purple, my golden digi is still golden and my gold and pink birdnest is still gold and pink. So all my SPS still have their color and are growing like crazy. the birdest has sprouted 4 new branch isn't i got a 1" two branch frag 10 days ago. My frog spawn has kept it's color, xenia is still pink and growing like a weed. I use RO/DI water. feed one cube of mysis every other day and a small pinch of prime reef flake on the other days. Keep an eye on calc and alk and add accordingly and do 10 to 15 gallon water changes each week. add a small amount of trace minerals in the middle of the week. So in short everyone's growing just colors aren't as vibrant, i'm sure that they were probably under more blue light before i got them. except for a leather that has been growing in full sun for the past few months. that was one coral i didn't need to worry about the light being too much for it.


well with 2 175 MH if you added t-5 or VHO atinics you wont see the blue as much the MH will wash the blue out but you will get the effect of the atinics.
IMO the atinics are a major part of a tank because it has the most useable spectrum and creates the phospherous glow of the corals. it makes all the corals brighter and more colorful.


no not really it will help but it wont penetrate very deep at all you could always try the lower output and see how everything reacts.
another option is power compact for the atinic lighting but IMO t-5 is a cheaper route anymore.


is anyone on here running 175w MH 10k bulbs with two T-5 actinics?
The only T-5s i've see in person was 4x54 over a 40gallon breeder, the lighting looked super flat and kind of washy. i don't know how to explain it. There were two daylight bulbs and two blues, i guess they could have been 50/50s i didn't ask the guy at the store.


well you have a one up on that because you have MH it will wash out the blue look to the tank.
I have 150 14K and 110 watt pc on my tank let me see if I can find a picture of a full tank shot for ya.
not exactly but it would be pretty close.


Active Member
I have 2 10K 250 watts of MH and 4 acenic T5's on my 150. Without the blues on my zoos and shrooms look very washed out. I will be switching out the 10K to 14k next time i replace the bulbs. Growth is good, but i would rather have the color. I prefer the tank with just the blues on. really makes the colors pop.


I am not trying to be a jerk, but it seems what you want is not possible. You want your corals to color up like a 14K or 20K, but you want the nice crisp white of a 10K bulb. In my opion you can not have both. If you suppliment with actinics you will lose the crisp white of the 10K bulb. Why don't you try a 12K reef flux bulb. Go between a 10K and a 14K. Thats about your only option. Or if you still want the growth you can go up to 250 12K or 14K. I have a 14K and my growth is still great. Also I enjoy my tank and the colors look good. You have to find a happy medium on color and growth.
I don't get it. Corals don't color up under 10k's? The two most colorful tanks I've ever seen in person both run 10k's. Check your mag. and make sure it's good. You can even throw some amino's at it to help w/color. But you shouldn't have a problem in the light dept. Everything has to stay stable for the coral's true colors to pop. Every time something goes out of whack it sets you back all over again. I would also back down on the Alk a bit. I found most of my corals like it at 9.5-10.5 dhk. Anything above this makes the tri color brown out like clockwork. So check the mag., keep all other params stable and the color will come.
Browning and/or darkening can be a sign of too many things to list. I'm just saying he has enough light to keep coral's colorful. I'm running a 150hqi and one 64pc actinic and my corals color up perfectly. Now if I let my Alk go out of whack, my mag./cal drop, or mag/cal stay way above par, my corals will brown out. Flatworms will most certainly brown out a coral, as nudi's will do for montipora. Too much light will make coral colors fade as well. Changing water flow(much more/much less/different direction)on an established peice will fade it out. Moving certain corals period will brown them out and even cause recession. And the list goes on..........