Getting discouraged....


New Member
My tank has been up for about 5 months. I am getting discouraged because after looking at everyone's pics I realized my water isnt crystal clear like everyone else. I do my water changes regularly and my levels are all good but the tank looks like crap.
Also, all of a sudden my yellow tang is acting strange. He isnt really eating and he is staying in one spot under a plant.
What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
Can you post your water parameters please?
Specific Gravity/Salinity
Ammonia (should be zero)
Nitrite (should be zero)
You might not have all of these tests kits, but give us what you do have. Do you run carbon ever? How often do you do water changes? What percentage? What kind of water do you use for changes and topoffs?


can you post a pic of your tank. there could be so many things wrong and I am a novice at this also. i have read that activated carbon helps keep the water clear. might be your filter, algae, bio load?

Post some specs on your tank and pictures if you can. Tank size, levels, skimmer, filter, additives, livestock?
Dxtr -


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dexter
can you post a pic of your tank. there could be so many things wrong and I am a novice at this also. i have read that activated carbon helps keep the water clear. might be your filter, algae, bio load?

Post some specs on your tank and pictures if you can. Tank size, levels, skimmer, filter, additives, livestock?
Dxtr -

Good points!!!
Don't get discuraged, it takes time for things to adjust and mistakes to be made. We've had our tanks for almost a year now and we're still adjusting. Ours was cloudy too for awhile until we added the protein skimmer, plus carbon helped too. Good Luck!!! :happyfish


I've had my 120 now for 6 months and finally got the water clear. Takes alot of TLC. Stay at it and lots of luck.