Originally Posted by
Dwarf angels, anthias, basslets, blennies, butterflies, cardinalfish, chromis, clownfish, firefish, damsels, foxface/rabbitfish, gobies, jawfish, dottybacks, some tangs, some wrasses....probably atleast 200 different species that you could choose from that are common in the shops and compatible with your tank and current inhabitants.
cardinals, basslets, most wrasses: invert unfrendly
have a dwarf angle (can't mix)
have 2 clowns (cant add)
have pink/blue spotted goby (supposdely can't add any more gobies and i'm not sure if that goes for firefish)
most of the other fish there say they are a danger to corals
damsels: everyone says forget about em.
Chromis/anthias: i was thinking about these, but since they are a schooling fish you need to buy multiples which limits purchases of other fish due to bioload.
let me know if i'm wrong on my assessments, because this is what is killing me.
lfs got in some tomeni (sp) tangs which are supposed to be ok for a 75, but the darn things are $120