Getting fish to eat food that is not live!!!


I posted this last week and didn't get any other response other then mixing live with frozen to fool the fish. That tip didn't work. Does anyone else know where I can go to find this out?
I have tryed: brine plus, frozen mysis, carnivour mix, flake, pellet. The only thing my puffer will eat is live brine.


Active Member
Ok, I see it's a puffer. Puffs, from what I've seen, are usually pigs. Here's what I'd try
Krill (frozen and freeze dried), silversides, clams, shrimp, mysis, brine, and predator formula. Do you have a feeder stick? If so, stick a piece of krill on their and gently wave it infront of your puff. I had a lion that fasted for his first 2 weeks before finally eating krill off a feeder stick. After the initial break, I have seen that the fish will take most foods offered now. Give him some time, he'll probably come around. Bo


Thanks, that is good feedback. The fish is actualy a small blue spotted puffer. I was away for two days and he didn't eat today when I fed the tank but I will give it another two days.


Active Member
Efrank, I'm going to take this over to the agressive forum. You will probably get more responses/feedback there. Bo