Getting good Purple to grow...HOW?

fla. keys

You all have been so awesome in helping me. I have a couple of questions left on this topic and then I will move on to a new one.
75 gal tank, 2 powerheads 400gph, 200gph, live sand and argonite mixed together, probably only 25 lbs of live rock right now.
I want to get the good purple coraline algea to grow on the rocks and all over the tank. I just started using the kalkwasser 2 days ago. Prior to this the rock only had a bit of brown algea on it and a bit of green algea spots.
What should I be doing ? Keep up the kalk I'm sure, maybe add some stromium/molybedum, or maybe even some coral-vite?
I know I need to be patient but all of your pics on this site are awesome with the purple thriving. I want to achieve the same thing as you pros.
Also how long is typical to have to wait using kalkwasser to begin to see purple growth???


Active Member
The more you have from the start the faster it will spread. Kalk helps alot if your calcium is already above 400ppm. Current is a major factor in spreading it. Blow the current across the lr. I also add iodine and strontium.


Active Member
By the way some of the most aggressive coraline I have added to my tank came from gulf rock. I got it from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I only say that because this site does not sell gulf rock, I suggest a mix of fiji and gulf for more variety of coraline colors.


Active Member
Keep water conditions good, calcium and alk high, good water movement and patience....Kalkwasser will help immensly.


Active Member
Well gregg ......
It may take some time still - coralline doesn't grow as fast as the nuisance algaes for sure - unfortunately :(
4 main things to keep in mind;
1) Continue to add kalk or some form of calcium additive until you obtain a level of 400 - 450.
Try and maintain your alkalinity between say 7-12 dKH ( 2.50 to 4.30 meq/l )
pH should be held stable at 8.2 or so.
2) If you don't have test kits for all of these measurements - please try and get them. They are the only indicators of what your additives are doing, and it's really important to know where these levels are at - worth every penny IMO.
3) If you're existing live rock is lacking some of the purple, pink and red coralline, you'd be wise to go buy some more that does. You won't need a ton of new rock - just a pound or two of the best you can find.
4) I've done this before - take a small piece of coralline covered live rock - say size of a golfball - put it in a platic baggie - get you a hammer, yeah a hammer, and crush that piece of rock in the bag. You don't need to crush it to a powder, just break it up a little bit. Scatter these pieces throughout your tank.
Place any other "new" coralline covered rock in front of your powerheads.
Then just wait - if your water chemistry is maintained - you will see the coralline start to grow. Watch your powerheads and back wall of your tank. This is where I've always first noticed the small pink/purple circular patches of new growth.
HTH and good luck !


Lights have a ton to do with it also. I noticed my purple grew 4x as fast after adding metal halides on top of having VHO's. I have 880 watts of VHO's and added 1200watts of MH. After that addition it took off.


I agree completely, Starfishjackedme. I had a 3-bulb VHO, and recently added a fourth bulb making it 440 WATTS. After I added the fourth bulb my coralline took off. I now have purple filter intakes, purple powerheads, and my heaters are even turning purple.


I did what boomer did - crush the rock and sprinkle it around. Also, leave the atinic bulbs on 1 hour before and after your normal lighting hours. This has helped as well.
Addiitives: I've switched away from the kalkwasser to more complete additives like the sea chem line of reef builders.

madd catt

i think too much lighting may affect it also power heads and filters prducing current to the front of the glass the coraline will start to grow there.


I would define too much as going past 10 watts per gallon of lighting. Right now I am at that threshold.