Getting more fish- do you think this will work



I currently have an Emporer Angel, Royal Gramma & Porcupine Puffer in my 92gallon, so its kind of bare.
Tommorow I am getting a:
Hippo Tang
Gold Bar Maroon Clown
Naso or Blonde Naso Tang.
If all survives I will get in about a month:
Clown Trigger
Queen Angel
And if all of them survive:
Long Nose Copperband Butterfly
What does everyone think??


i am new here but from what i can gather from reading practically every post on here.. u will have way too many fish in your tank. And some will definately not agree with one another. go to liveaquara and check the comparison chart for starters.
that is about all i can say about that.. but dont take my word for it i am new
good luck

sea goblin

the angle you have now will be too big for your tank, and adding another one will only add to the problem. I would say stick to one tang in that size tank. the nasos will get too big, the clown trigger will get too big. The clown is fine, maybe you should try to get a pair of them. A 92 is a nice sized tank, but what you have plans for i doubt many on this board could handle, and there are some people iwth large tanks on here. Stick to one or 2 "large" size fish, the puffer and the tang would be fine most likely. 2 clowns, a dwarf angel, fire fish, green chromis, a few of the smaller anthias. ...just some suggestions
Sea Goblin