Getting Ready for a Refugium


I was able to fit a 10 gallon underneath my 29 gallon. I want to do a refugium. I am probably going to get a life reef overflow, the smallest one. I would like to know how i should set up the tank for the refugium also is there going to be a problem having the overflow not run at its max. flow rate?


Active Member
YOu do want to keep the water flow low if you are trying to grow macros, and use it as a filter, you have a couple options...but are limited underthat 29g. I would put a rubbermade sump in there for the high flow rate. T-pipe with a valve and you can control the rate of flow to your fuge. Look at broomers website he's got a pretty bullet proof designe.


The problem is that i don't have the room underneath to do that kind of stuff. I just want a refugium, not a filter.