Getting Ready for Fish- Your Comments?


Getting ready to stock my new 65 gallon tank. I've been reading, thinking, planning...I'm beginning to go around in circles now :)Decided (probably, LOL) that I want my 65 to be more of a reef tank, and once my MasterCard recovers I'll get a 100+ tank as a FO with some larger, moderately aggressive guys like Angels and Triggers.
Here's my latest list for the 65....I'd appreciate any thoughts you have, experience, etc.
  • Clarkii Clowns
  • (mated pair, already have carpet anemone). I'm definite on these guys.
  • Clown Goby Citron (pair)
  • w/Acropora Formosa. Anybody have an experience with these? Is the Acropora a good choice?
    Small Wrasse
  • I'm thinking either an Exquisite Wrasse or Scott's (Fairy) Wrasse. Any suggestions?
    Naso Tang (juv.)
  • I know he will eventually outgrow the 65, but by then I'll have the bigger tank and he should be OK with Triggers/Angels. Should I get a male or female? Blond, or regular? From Hawaii or the Maldives?
I recently "seeded" my refugium with a detrivore kit, so in 6 months or so I'll probably be ready to add a Madarin as the last fish.
This would give me under 20" of fish for the first year or so, then when I move the Tang the others won't grow more than that, which ought to be an OK load in a reef tank.
More info on my tank, inverts, lighting & eqip. is here.