Getting ready to stock my new 65 gallon tank. I've been reading, thinking, planning...I'm beginning to go around in circles now Decided (probably, LOL) that I want my 65 to be more of a reef tank, and once my MasterCard recovers I'll get a 100+ tank as a FO with some larger, moderately aggressive guys like Angels and Triggers.
Here's my latest list for the 65....I'd appreciate any thoughts you have, experience, etc.
This would give me under 20" of fish for the first year or so, then when I move the Tang the others won't grow more than that, which ought to be an OK load in a reef tank.
More info on my tank, inverts, lighting & eqip. is here.
Here's my latest list for the 65....I'd appreciate any thoughts you have, experience, etc.
- Clarkii Clowns
- (mated pair, already have carpet anemone). I'm definite on these guys.
- Clown Goby Citron (pair)
- w/Acropora Formosa. Anybody have an experience with these? Is the Acropora a good choice?
Small Wrasse
- I'm thinking either an Exquisite Wrasse or Scott's (Fairy) Wrasse. Any suggestions?
Naso Tang (juv.)
- I know he will eventually outgrow the 65, but by then I'll have the bigger tank and he should be OK with Triggers/Angels. Should I get a male or female? Blond, or regular? From Hawaii or the Maldives?
This would give me under 20" of fish for the first year or so, then when I move the Tang the others won't grow more than that, which ought to be an OK load in a reef tank.
More info on my tank, inverts, lighting & eqip. is here.